Our business area of asset management has the goal of increasing the profit of your property. To achieve this goal, AREALIS offers comprehensive expertise, specialising in commercial and residential properties. Apart from cost and profit optimisation where the task of property management is concerned, we draw on an extensive network of estate agents in order to efficiently drive forward the usage of vacant spaces.
It is for this reason that we take a holistic approach, so as to identify profit and appreciation potentials. To achieve this, we utilise advanced tools and data to analyse, for instance, rental contract agreement structures, carry out project calculations of investments or check the possibility of construction- or energy-related improvements on the general parts of the property. It is our main goal to provide you with real added value.
Zu diesem Zweck verfolgen auch wir einen gesamtheitlichen Ansatz, um Ertrags- und Wertsteigerungspotenziale zu identifizieren. Dazu analysieren wir mithilfe moderner Instrumente und anhand der Daten unter anderem die mietvertraglichen Strukturen, nehmen Projektkalkulationen von Investitionen vor oder prüfen bau- oder energietechnische Verbesserungen an den allgemeinen Teilen der Liegenschaft. Unser Anliegen ist es, einen echten Mehrwert für Sie zu schaffen.